Tuesday, September 8, 2009

update XBee firmware

Following LadyAda's Tweet-A-Watt instructions, firmware upgraded on all XBees using the USB breakout board from www.droids.it

arduino xbee temperature sensor

Starting on a remote temperature sensor that will be connected to the web (perhaps).  I can hopefully log temperature data and also display real time on the web using a PHP script.  Here are some useful links:

Tweet-A-Watt from LadyAda is great
and also in the forums  lots of details

Here is the inital mock-up...

Code to use in processing may be modified from Tom Igoe
and XBee library

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Real Time Clock and EEPROM

Sparkfun has a board that RTC and backup battery for $20, also has EEPROM and an arduino tutorial for I2C

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="398" caption="null"][/caption]

Wulden has RTC, EEPROM and backup on postage size board

Arduino datalogger

Great post on adafruit about atalogging and writing to SD card http://www.ladyada.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=11978

Arduino blog

Jeff's arduino blog with a list of arduino compatible hardware, very useful

Solar cells and recharging

SolarCircuits - 09

Nice tutorial on solar cells from the Evil Mad Scientists